Input Object GitHub::AddPullRequestReviewThreadInput

Autogenerated input type of AddPullRequestReviewThread

Input Fields

path: String!

Path to the file being commented on.

body: String!

Body of the thread's first comment.

pullRequestId: ID

The node ID of the pull request reviewing

pullRequestReviewId: ID

The Node ID of the review to modify.

line: Int!

The line of the blob to which the thread refers. The end of the line range for multi-line comments.

side: DiffSide

The side of the diff on which the line resides. For multi-line comments, this is the side for the end of the line range.

startLine: Int

The first line of the range to which the comment refers.

startSide: DiffSide

The side of the diff on which the start line resides.

clientMutationId: String

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

