Input Object GitHub::CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput

Autogenerated input type of CreateBranchProtectionRule

Input Fields

repositoryId: ID!

The global relay id of the repository in which a new branch protection rule should be created in.

pattern: String!

The glob-like pattern used to determine matching branches.

requiresApprovingReviews: Boolean

Are approving reviews required to update matching branches.

requiredApprovingReviewCount: Int

Number of approving reviews required to update matching branches.

requiresCommitSignatures: Boolean

Are commits required to be signed.

isAdminEnforced: Boolean

Can admins overwrite branch protection.

requiresStatusChecks: Boolean

Are status checks required to update matching branches.

requiresStrictStatusChecks: Boolean

Are branches required to be up to date before merging.

requiresCodeOwnerReviews: Boolean

Are reviews from code owners required to update matching branches.

dismissesStaleReviews: Boolean

Will new commits pushed to matching branches dismiss pull request review approvals.

restrictsReviewDismissals: Boolean

Is dismissal of pull request reviews restricted.

reviewDismissalActorIds: [ID!]

A list of User or Team IDs allowed to dismiss reviews on pull requests targeting matching branches.

restrictsPushes: Boolean

Is pushing to matching branches restricted.

pushActorIds: [ID!]

A list of User, Team or App IDs allowed to push to matching branches.

requiredStatusCheckContexts: [String!]

List of required status check contexts that must pass for commits to be accepted to matching branches.

clientMutationId: String

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

