Interface GitHub::RepositoryInfo

A subset of repository info.


createdAt: DateTime!

Identifies the date and time when the object was created.

description: String

The description of the repository.

descriptionHTML: HTML!

The description of the repository rendered to HTML.

forkCount: Int!

Returns how many forks there are of this repository in the whole network.

hasIssuesEnabled: Boolean!

Indicates if the repository has issues feature enabled.

hasProjectsEnabled: Boolean!

Indicates if the repository has the Projects feature enabled.

hasWikiEnabled: Boolean!

Indicates if the repository has wiki feature enabled.

homepageUrl: URI

The repository's URL.

isArchived: Boolean!

Indicates if the repository is unmaintained.

isFork: Boolean!

Identifies if the repository is a fork.

isLocked: Boolean!

Indicates if the repository has been locked or not.

isMirror: Boolean!

Identifies if the repository is a mirror.

isPrivate: Boolean!

Identifies if the repository is private.

isTemplate: Boolean!

Identifies if the repository is a template that can be used to generate new repositories.

licenseInfo: License

The license associated with the repository

lockReason: RepositoryLockReason

The reason the repository has been locked.

mirrorUrl: URI

The repository's original mirror URL.

name: String!

The name of the repository.

nameWithOwner: String!

The repository's name with owner.

openGraphImageUrl: URI!

The image used to represent this repository in Open Graph data.

owner: RepositoryOwner!

The User owner of the repository.

pushedAt: DateTime

Identifies when the repository was last pushed to.

resourcePath: URI!

The HTTP path for this repository

shortDescriptionHTML(limit: Int = 200): HTML!

A description of the repository, rendered to HTML without any links in it.


limit: Int = 200

How many characters to return.

updatedAt: DateTime!

Identifies the date and time when the object was last updated.

url: URI!

The HTTP URL for this repository

usesCustomOpenGraphImage: Boolean!

Whether this repository has a custom image to use with Open Graph as opposed to being represented by the owner's avatar.

Possible Types


