Object GitHub::Enterprise
An account to manage multiple organizations with consolidated policy and billing.
avatarUrl(size: Int): URI!
A URL pointing to the enterprise's public avatar.
billingInfo: EnterpriseBillingInfo
Enterprise billing information visible to enterprise billing managers.
createdAt: DateTime!
Identifies the date and time when the object was created.
databaseId: Int
Identifies the primary key from the database.
description: String
The description of the enterprise.
descriptionHTML: HTML!
The description of the enterprise as HTML.
id: ID!
location: String
The location of the enterprise.
members(organizationLogins: [String!], query: String, orderBy: EnterpriseMemberOrder = {field: LOGIN, direction: ASC}, role: EnterpriseUserAccountMembershipRole, deployment: EnterpriseUserDeployment, after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int): EnterpriseMemberConnection!
A list of users who are members of this enterprise.
organizationLogins: [String!]
Only return members within the organizations with these logins
orderBy: EnterpriseMemberOrder = {field: LOGIN, direction: ASC}
Ordering options for members returned from the connection.
role: EnterpriseUserAccountMembershipRole
The role of the user in the enterprise organization or server.
deployment: EnterpriseUserDeployment
Only return members within the selected GitHub Enterprise deployment
name: String!
The name of the enterprise.
organizations(query: String, orderBy: OrganizationOrder = {field: LOGIN, direction: ASC}, after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int): OrganizationConnection!
A list of organizations that belong to this enterprise.
orderBy: OrganizationOrder = {field: LOGIN, direction: ASC}
Ordering options for organizations returned from the connection.
ownerInfo: EnterpriseOwnerInfo
Enterprise information only visible to enterprise owners.
resourcePath: URI!
The HTTP path for this enterprise.
slug: String!
The URL-friendly identifier for the enterprise.
url: URI!
The HTTP URL for this enterprise.
userAccounts(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int): EnterpriseUserAccountConnection!
A list of user accounts on this enterprise.
viewerIsAdmin: Boolean!
Is the current viewer an admin of this enterprise?
websiteUrl: URI
The URL of the enterprise website.