Object GitHub::Project
Projects manage issues, pull requests and notes within a project owner.
body: String
The project's description body.
The projects description body rendered to HTML.
closed: Boolean!
if the object is closed (definition of closed may depend on type)
closedAt: DateTime
Identifies the date and time when the object was closed.
columns(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int): ProjectColumnConnection!
List of columns in the project
createdAt: DateTime!
Identifies the date and time when the object was created.
creator: Actor
The actor who originally created the project.
databaseId: Int
Identifies the primary key from the database.
id: ID!
name: String!
The project's name.
number: Int!
The project's number.
owner: ProjectOwner!
The project's owner. Currently limited to repositories, organizations, and users.
pendingCards(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, archivedStates: [ProjectCardArchivedState] = [ARCHIVED, NOT_ARCHIVED]): ProjectCardConnection!
List of pending cards in this project
archivedStates: [ProjectCardArchivedState] = [ARCHIVED, NOT_ARCHIVED]
A list of archived states to filter the cards by
resourcePath: URI!
The HTTP path for this project
state: ProjectState!
Whether the project is open or closed.
updatedAt: DateTime!
Identifies the date and time when the object was last updated.
url: URI!
The HTTP URL for this project
viewerCanUpdate: Boolean!
Check if the current viewer can update this object.