Object GitHub::Ref
Represents a Git reference.
associatedPullRequests(states: [PullRequestState!], labels: [String!], headRefName: String, baseRefName: String, orderBy: IssueOrder, after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int): PullRequestConnection!
A list of pull requests with this ref as the head ref.
states: [PullRequestState!]
A list of states to filter the pull requests by.
headRefName: String
The head ref name to filter the pull requests by.
baseRefName: String
The base ref name to filter the pull requests by.
orderBy: IssueOrder
Ordering options for pull requests returned from the connection.
id: ID!
name: String!
The ref name.
prefix: String!
The ref's prefix, such as refs/heads/
or refs/tags/
repository: Repository!
The repository the ref belongs to.
target: GitObject
The object the ref points to. Returns null when object does not exist.