Object GitHub::Sponsorship
A sponsorship relationship between a sponsor and a maintainer
createdAt: DateTime!
Identifies the date and time when the object was created.
id: ID!
maintainer: User!
`Sponsorship.maintainer` will be removed. Use `Sponsorship.sponsorable` instead. Removal on 2020-04-01 UTC.
The entity that is being sponsored
privacyLevel: SponsorshipPrivacy!
The privacy level for this sponsorship.
sponsor: User
`Sponsorship.sponsor` will be removed. Use `Sponsorship.sponsorEntity` instead. Removal on 2020-10-01 UTC.
The user that is sponsoring. Returns null if the sponsorship is private or if sponsor is not a user.
sponsorEntity: Sponsor
The user or organization that is sponsoring. Returns null if the sponsorship is private.
sponsorable: Sponsorable!
The entity that is being sponsored
tier: SponsorsTier
The associated sponsorship tier