Input Object Star Wars::CreateSpecies

Input Fields

averageHeight: Int

The average height of this species in centimeters.

averageLifespan: Int

The average lifespan of this species in years.

classification: String

The classification of this species, such as "mammal" or "reptile".

designation: String

The designation of this species, such as "sentient".


The eye colors for this species, "UNKNOWN" if not known, null if this species does not typically have eyes.


The hair colors for this species, "UNKNOWN" if not known, null if this species does not typically have hairs.

isPublished: Boolean

indicates if the record is published

language: String

The language commonly spoken by this species.

name: String!

The name of this species.


The skin colors for this species, "UNKNOWN" if not known, null if this species does not typically have a skin.

filmsIds: [ID!]

films: [SpeciesfilmsFilm!]

peopleIds: [ID!]

people: [SpeciespeoplePerson!]

