Input Object Star Wars::UpdatePerson
Input Fields
birthYear: String
The birth year of the person, using the in-universe standard of BBY or ABY - Before the Battle of Yavin or After the Battle of Yavin. The Battle of Yavin is a battle that occurs at the end of Star Wars episode IV: A New Hope.
The eye color of this person. Will be "UNKNOWN" if not known or null if the person does not have an eye.
The gender of this person. Will be "UNKNOWN" if not known or null if the person does not have a gender.
The hair color of this person. Will be "UNKNOWN" if not known or null if the person does not have hair.
height: Int
The height of the person in centimeters.
id: ID!
isPublished: Boolean
indicates if the record is published
mass: Float
The mass of the person in kilograms.
name: String
The name of this person.
The skin color of this person.