Object GitHub::ContributionsCollection

A contributions collection aggregates contributions such as opened issues and commits created by a user.


commitContributionsByRepository(maxRepositories: Int = 25): [CommitContributionsByRepository!]!

Commit contributions made by the user, grouped by repository.


maxRepositories: Int = 25

How many repositories should be included.

contributionCalendar: ContributionCalendar!

A calendar of this user's contributions on GitHub.

contributionYears: [Int!]!

The years the user has been making contributions with the most recent year first.

doesEndInCurrentMonth: Boolean!

Determine if this collection's time span ends in the current month.

earliestRestrictedContributionDate: Date

The date of the first restricted contribution the user made in this time period. Can only be non-null when the user has enabled private contribution counts.

endedAt: DateTime!

The ending date and time of this collection.

firstIssueContribution: CreatedIssueOrRestrictedContribution

The first issue the user opened on GitHub. This will be null if that issue was opened outside the collection's time range and ignoreTimeRange is false. If the issue is not visible but the user has opted to show private contributions, a RestrictedContribution will be returned.

firstPullRequestContribution: CreatedPullRequestOrRestrictedContribution

The first pull request the user opened on GitHub. This will be null if that pull request was opened outside the collection's time range and ignoreTimeRange is not true. If the pull request is not visible but the user has opted to show private contributions, a RestrictedContribution will be returned.

firstRepositoryContribution: CreatedRepositoryOrRestrictedContribution

The first repository the user created on GitHub. This will be null if that first repository was created outside the collection's time range and ignoreTimeRange is false. If the repository is not visible, then a RestrictedContribution is returned.

hasActivityInThePast: Boolean!

Does the user have any more activity in the timeline that occurred prior to the collection's time range?

hasAnyContributions: Boolean!

Determine if there are any contributions in this collection.

hasAnyRestrictedContributions: Boolean!

Determine if the user made any contributions in this time frame whose details are not visible because they were made in a private repository. Can only be true if the user enabled private contribution counts.

isSingleDay: Boolean!

Whether or not the collector's time span is all within the same day.

issueContributions(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, excludeFirst: Boolean = false, excludePopular: Boolean = false, orderBy: ContributionOrder = {direction: DESC}): CreatedIssueContributionConnection!

A list of issues the user opened.


after: String

Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

before: String

Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

first: Int

Returns the first n elements from the list.

last: Int

Returns the last n elements from the list.

excludeFirst: Boolean = false

Should the user's first issue ever be excluded from the result.

excludePopular: Boolean = false

Should the user's most commented issue be excluded from the result.

orderBy: ContributionOrder = {direction: DESC}

Ordering options for contributions returned from the connection.

issueContributionsByRepository(maxRepositories: Int = 25, excludeFirst: Boolean = false, excludePopular: Boolean = false): [IssueContributionsByRepository!]!

Issue contributions made by the user, grouped by repository.


maxRepositories: Int = 25

How many repositories should be included.

excludeFirst: Boolean = false

Should the user's first issue ever be excluded from the result.

excludePopular: Boolean = false

Should the user's most commented issue be excluded from the result.

joinedGitHubContribution: JoinedGitHubContribution

When the user signed up for GitHub. This will be null if that sign up date falls outside the collection's time range and ignoreTimeRange is false.

latestRestrictedContributionDate: Date

The date of the most recent restricted contribution the user made in this time period. Can only be non-null when the user has enabled private contribution counts.

mostRecentCollectionWithActivity: ContributionsCollection

When this collection's time range does not include any activity from the user, use this to get a different collection from an earlier time range that does have activity.

mostRecentCollectionWithoutActivity: ContributionsCollection

Returns a different contributions collection from an earlier time range than this one that does not have any contributions.

popularIssueContribution: CreatedIssueContribution

The issue the user opened on GitHub that received the most comments in the specified time frame.

popularPullRequestContribution: CreatedPullRequestContribution

The pull request the user opened on GitHub that received the most comments in the specified time frame.

pullRequestContributions(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, excludeFirst: Boolean = false, excludePopular: Boolean = false, orderBy: ContributionOrder = {direction: DESC}): CreatedPullRequestContributionConnection!

Pull request contributions made by the user.


after: String

Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

before: String

Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

first: Int

Returns the first n elements from the list.

last: Int

Returns the last n elements from the list.

excludeFirst: Boolean = false

Should the user's first pull request ever be excluded from the result.

excludePopular: Boolean = false

Should the user's most commented pull request be excluded from the result.

orderBy: ContributionOrder = {direction: DESC}

Ordering options for contributions returned from the connection.

pullRequestContributionsByRepository(maxRepositories: Int = 25, excludeFirst: Boolean = false, excludePopular: Boolean = false): [PullRequestContributionsByRepository!]!

Pull request contributions made by the user, grouped by repository.


maxRepositories: Int = 25

How many repositories should be included.

excludeFirst: Boolean = false

Should the user's first pull request ever be excluded from the result.

excludePopular: Boolean = false

Should the user's most commented pull request be excluded from the result.

pullRequestReviewContributions(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: ContributionOrder = {direction: DESC}): CreatedPullRequestReviewContributionConnection!

Pull request review contributions made by the user.


after: String

Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

before: String

Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

first: Int

Returns the first n elements from the list.

last: Int

Returns the last n elements from the list.

orderBy: ContributionOrder = {direction: DESC}

Ordering options for contributions returned from the connection.

pullRequestReviewContributionsByRepository(maxRepositories: Int = 25): [PullRequestReviewContributionsByRepository!]!

Pull request review contributions made by the user, grouped by repository.


maxRepositories: Int = 25

How many repositories should be included.

repositoryContributions(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, excludeFirst: Boolean = false, orderBy: ContributionOrder = {direction: DESC}): CreatedRepositoryContributionConnection!

A list of repositories owned by the user that the user created in this time range.


after: String

Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

before: String

Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

first: Int

Returns the first n elements from the list.

last: Int

Returns the last n elements from the list.

excludeFirst: Boolean = false

Should the user's first repository ever be excluded from the result.

orderBy: ContributionOrder = {direction: DESC}

Ordering options for contributions returned from the connection.

restrictedContributionsCount: Int!

A count of contributions made by the user that the viewer cannot access. Only non-zero when the user has chosen to share their private contribution counts.

startedAt: DateTime!

The beginning date and time of this collection.

totalCommitContributions: Int!

How many commits were made by the user in this time span.

totalIssueContributions(excludeFirst: Boolean = false, excludePopular: Boolean = false): Int!

How many issues the user opened.


excludeFirst: Boolean = false

Should the user's first issue ever be excluded from this count.

excludePopular: Boolean = false

Should the user's most commented issue be excluded from this count.

totalPullRequestContributions(excludeFirst: Boolean = false, excludePopular: Boolean = false): Int!

How many pull requests the user opened.


excludeFirst: Boolean = false

Should the user's first pull request ever be excluded from this count.

excludePopular: Boolean = false

Should the user's most commented pull request be excluded from this count.

totalPullRequestReviewContributions: Int!

How many pull request reviews the user left.

totalRepositoriesWithContributedCommits: Int!

How many different repositories the user committed to.

totalRepositoriesWithContributedIssues(excludeFirst: Boolean = false, excludePopular: Boolean = false): Int!

How many different repositories the user opened issues in.


excludeFirst: Boolean = false

Should the user's first issue ever be excluded from this count.

excludePopular: Boolean = false

Should the user's most commented issue be excluded from this count.

totalRepositoriesWithContributedPullRequestReviews: Int!

How many different repositories the user left pull request reviews in.

totalRepositoriesWithContributedPullRequests(excludeFirst: Boolean = false, excludePopular: Boolean = false): Int!

How many different repositories the user opened pull requests in.


excludeFirst: Boolean = false

Should the user's first pull request ever be excluded from this count.

excludePopular: Boolean = false

Should the user's most commented pull request be excluded from this count.

totalRepositoryContributions(excludeFirst: Boolean = false): Int!

How many repositories the user created.


excludeFirst: Boolean = false

Should the user's first repository ever be excluded from this count.

user: User!

The user who made the contributions in this collection.



